Torneio de Toulon 1983



        h2h1983-06-05Argentina S20Argentina S201-0Soviet Union S20Soviet Union S20Grp.A
        h2h1983-06-05France S20France S201-1Rep. of Ireland S20Rep. of Ireland S20Grp.A
        h2h1983-06-06Brazil S20Brazil S205-0China S20China S20Grp.B
        h2h1983-06-06Germany S20Germany S200-0Algeria S20Algeria S20Grp.B
        h2h1983-06-07France S20France S202-1Soviet Union S20Soviet Union S20Grp.A
        h2h1983-06-07Argentina S20Argentina S201-0Rep. of Ireland S20Rep. of Ireland S20Grp.A
        h2h1983-06-08Germany S20Germany S205-0China S20China S20Grp.B
        h2h1983-06-08Brazil S20Brazil S201-0Algeria S20Algeria S20Grp.B
        h2h1983-06-09France S20France S200-1Argentina S20Argentina S20Grp.A
        h2h1983-06-09Soviet Union S20Soviet Union S201-0Rep. of Ireland S20Rep. of Ireland S20Grp.A
        h2h1983-06-10Algeria S20Algeria S202-1China S20China S20Grp.B
        h2h1983-06-10Brazil S20Brazil S202-2Germany S20Germany S20Grp.B
        h2h1983-06-11Soviet Union S20Soviet Union S201-0Algeria S20Algeria S205/6
        h2h1983-06-11Rep. of Ireland S20Rep. of Ireland S205-1China S20China S207/8
        h2h1983-06-12Brazil S20Brazil S201-1(3-0 pen.)Argentina S20Argentina S20F
        h2h1983-06-12France S20France S201-0Germany S20Germany S203/4